Our History

C. 1900

Where do we start from?  Simple question - difficult answer. We believe the ground as we know it was constructed in c.1926; yet the team was playing in 1920 (Argus report); but where? To have the team name Hafodyrynys is it because they played in the village or was it taken from the local mines? We strongly believe they were based here. From the map shown you can see there is nothing on the site where the ground is located now; in fact the area is a marshland, as shown by the map symbols. This falls in nicely with the origins of the village name, in that the ‘ynys’ element means an ‘island’ or ‘river meadow’. However the pictures (below) shows some sort of building on the site. I believe this may be the original Pavilion and the access ramp down into what is now the club car park. The picture on the left shows no ponds but also no posts and that on the right shows a small wall in the bottom left. Still some mysteries to solve.